

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

The van is unpacked, the quilts are safely tucked away and the order sheets are on the shipping table in the warehouse waiting for the books to be delivered from the printer. Houston Quilt Market was fun! As Barb and I drive to Houston, we reflect on the length of quilt market. It seems to last about 15 minutes. You work like crazy to get there.....and before you can wink your eyes, you are back home. I think Barb clicks her shoes and says, "There's no place like home" without telling me. Sometimes we wonder if we really did attend market!

We spent much of the time in the car planning new projects and books for this next year. Always a good thing for us because Barb works full time at her day job. Her work schedule doesn't leave much time for us to talk about what we want to accomplish. Luckily we had plenty this time and a bit of time left to visit some cute shops along the way. (More about that later!)

Spring quilt market will be in Kansas City, our home town. We will only have to drive down the street to get there. That can be harder for us than driving 750 miles to market....as we don't always plan our trips well. We can end up driving back home to pick up something we forgot several times as we set up the booth.

Above is a picture of our latest quilt book. We spread some easily-pieced quilts over the beds and dressed them up by adding a bed runner or tossing on a few throw pillows! The quilts and projects in the book use our Blueberry Crumb Cake prints from Moda fabrics.

Cold weather has moved into town. Winter seems just around the corner. We are having a snow/rain event so I'm spending a quiet time at home making soup and muffins. Soup seems just right for tonight.

More tomorrow! Found a great small town to tell you about and more show and tell.

"See" you then!



  1. Can't wait to see the new projects! Glad you had a successful market (and shopping trip enroute!)

  2. will definately be looking forward to this book :) had soup and grilled cheese today - enjoy the comfort of soup! Laurie

  3. I just couldn't wait to get the Blueberry Crumbcake fabrics and now that I have them, I don't want to cut into them because they're so pretty!!!

  4. I loved your schoolhouse...and it was a pleasure to hear about your designs first hand! (I was the one in the front row in the grey warm sweater!)

  5. Can't wait to see the new Quilt book.
    Glad to hear that you had a great trip to the Quilt market.

  6. Love your new fabric line; the shades of blue and tan are so pretty. Any sneak peaks or advance info on what you might be releasing next year for cross stitch patterns?

  7. Glad you and Barb had a safe trip. I am so looking forward to getting my hands on your newest quilt book and fabric !! Yea !!!

  8. oooo ... the cover of your new book is awesome! Look forward to reading more. Enjoy when you share ; )

  9. Good to hear from you.

    I do mostly x stitch these days, but will definitely be picking up your new quilt book and some of the long- awaited Blueberry Crumb Cake.

    Just barely started on LF Autumn and bought fabric for Casting a Spell yesterday. A group of us plan to work on Spell a little at a time to finish by next fall.

    Get some rest, you too. Is it more work, or more play?


  10. Once again it was wonderful to see both of you at market. Your booth was beautiful.

  11. The new book looks wonderful, loving the combination of blue and brown. I can't wait to see and hear more about your adventures at market.


  12. so happy that you had a lovely trip at the market..
    have a lovely fun day xx

  13. I wish I had been there,... I heard a lot about your new book!

  14. The book cover looks very tempting!!! And your new fabric line is also beautiful... can't wait.

  15. I am looking forward to the new book and the blueberry-crumble fabric.

  16. this is a beautiful book, and I look forward to buying it. I sooo wish I could go to Quilt Market!!

  17. Can't wait to see the new book, as now I have turned my attention to many new blue fabrics, paired with creams and whites of course. MY mom's favorite color was blue.

  18. Ok, girls what was the name of the shop in McKinney, Texas and how much more did you buy on your way home.............;) ?!?

  19. Oh--the Quilt Market in KC! Please give the info asap! Would love to attend. KC is just down the road a bit.
    Any cross stitch in your new book?
    Love the colors.

  20. Can't wait for the book Alma...I love that blue quilt!

  21. Okay...you got me hooked. I'm taking a quilting class and before I've even finished the first Dresden Plate "wall hanging turned pillow", I've cut out the pattern for one of the blocks from your Birds of a Feather book (with pillow in mind). I'm afraid to commit to a full sized bed quilt for fear of never finishing it. We'll see how the first square goes!!! You and Barb keep coming out with these beautiful quilts and fabrics...not to mention the cross-stitch...when am I supposed to find the time to design?!? It's all your fault!!!! ;)

  22. Please hurry with pictures of your booth, and all the quilts in it!

  23. Houston must have been fabulous, quite a few bloggers mentioned this show. I look forward to your Weekend book, just got the Blueberry Crumbcake layercakes and charmpacks in and they are gorgeous:))

  24. Your book cover looks BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!

  25. Yes, how beautiful your new quilt book looks. I'm just wondering, is that butterfly quilt that was hanging in your booth in this new book? If not, which one. I would love to make it. Been on my bucket list to do a butterfly quilt. Looking forward to the new book.....thanks for sharing.

    gloria g. South Carolina

  26. Yes me too, I saw that gorgeous butterfly quilt and fell in love. Please let us know where to get a pattern.

  27. Is it possible for you to show some of the projects inside your books as well as just the covers? It would give so much pleasure to those of us who have to order a copy since I have nowhere around me to hope that they will carry it.
    The covers are always beaufiul and I do own all but about three that you have published.

  28. Wow what a nice efforts.Congratulation about his post.I am impressed from it.Can you more share with me.I will come back as soon.


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