
Where the heck has time gone?

Thursday, July 1, 2010

I looked at my last post and was very surprised to say the least! Where does time go?

Barb and I have been busy teaching. We traveled to Tomorrow's Heirlooms for a wonderful class....do I have pictures? No!!! Augh!!!! I took my camera...but never got a chance to take some shots. The class was over before I knew it.

Then last weekend we taught a class in Liberty, MO, for Old Mill Stitchery. I also took my camera..but didn't have time to get any pictures. Time just flew by! The picture below shows our project for Old Mill. We had a limited number of these boxes so this project worked out for this class. This paper mache box has been discontinued by the manufacturer. It's very sad as it was one of our favorites.

We are going to offer the patterns for all projects we have taught next year at the Nashville cross stitch market. They will be printed in a booklet form.

Click on Sweet Alabama for the pattern.

Until later,



  1. Well that's a sorry shame that you can't get those boxes anymore...they are GORGEOUS!
    Yippy dippity doo that you are going to publish your class pieces :)

  2. Iam so excited that you will be publishing the class patterns. That will be so wonderful for all of us that can't make it to the classes.
    Thank you so much.
    Enjoy your summer.

  3. Oh my gosh, I have been very lucky to have taken a class with you and Barb in Minnesota.
    I could just cry with happiness knowing that you are going to offer the other patterns in the future.
    Thank-you so much.
    Peace to all.

  4. LOVE that box. Now I'm going to be sad that it's not available any more. Beautiful piece that you designed on the top. Looking forward to the booklet of class pieces! Can't wait!!!

  5. Oh darn it! I should have asked you where you got those boxes from before now. Ah well, I guess I won't be getting one of them. I'm so glad your class designs will be released in a book though! I'm psyched! I especially love this one!

  6. So glad to have you back. Your box is beautiful and you all are the bestest! :-)GOL

  7. I love the sewing box and the piece you made up for it. That would make a wonderful gift for a sewing friend.


  8. Woo hoo! Now I'm REALLY looking forward to Nashville 2011! (But I will miss seeing you and Barb at St. Charles)
    Glad to see you blogging again!

  9. The class pieces are beautiful. I will look forward to next year.

  10. I love those boxes. The stitching on top of the box is beautiful.

  11. Soooo excited for Nashville Market now! I agree...those boxes are to die for!

  12. I love that box with the round patterns. I agree with the others. Get that book published! It will be a seller immediately. i would have driven to Mo. for that class if I had seen the pattern. I may have been in Northeastern AR at about the time you had the class.

  13. another lovely pattern to dream of...with or without box.
    I can hardly wait for your booklet that ,as I've understood, will contain your past classes patterns.
    This is a wonderful chance for all of us who lives so far from you and cannot attend your classes.
    Thank you again,
    from Angi in Italy

  14. I agree heartily with the other ladies, living in the UK, it is frustrating to see your lovely class pieces and not be able to take part. Looking forward very much to the new booklet.

  15. beautiful box and pincushion!!!
    I can wait for your booklet that will contain your classes patterns.
    thank's Alma ;)
    ciao Maria

  16. Yeay! I am so glad that you'll be publishing your class pieces. Thanks for the chart!

  17. This works is very very beautiful.
    Good week-end NADIA

  18. Thanx so much for the pattern. But I noticed that it isn't the whole pattern. I miss the beautiful flower.

    And those boxes with the cuite needlework. I can amaging that you are sad that they are not available anymore.

    Nice greetings,
    The Netherlands

  19. Thank you for the chart! And thank you for the news about the new book, I'm looking forward to it already!

  20. Love it! Can't wait for your book to be available.

  21. Can't wait till next year - those class pieces are gorgeous! Such a shame those beautiful boxes have been discontinued! :o)

  22. Thanks for sharing but only half of the pattern is printed for Sweet Alabama!

  23. Cute, cute, cute!!!! Love it. I may pop over to my hobby lobby just for giggles and see if they have one of those boxes left. Otherwise what a cute pincushion. I had so much fun in your classes at Tomorrow's Heirlooms. I have some pictures to send you. I will get that done this weekend. I'm the person who stitched the 40 count AotH piece ;-).

  24. Those boxes are beautiful. It is a shame that they have been discontinued. I am so excited about the booklet of class pieces. I would love to someday take a class with both of you.

  25. Hi -- So thrilled that you will be publishing all your class patterns for Nashville. Can't wait. And for those who were not there, the class in Liberty at Old Mill was fabulous, and I am making progress on stitching the piece for the top. Actually finishing it will be another hurdle, but your instructions are excellent. Can't wait for the Tulsa class.

  26. What a shame about the box !! I had never seen one like that before and it is beautiful !!
    I will be taking your class at the Shepherd's Bush retreat in Utah, it will be my first class with you and I can't wait. I am so excited !! See you then..

  27. Thanks for this nice freebie, but the big flower is missing from your chart.... that is uncomplete.

    The box is amazing!

  28. thanks for sharing Barb's piece and giving us the pattern for it ... also I cannot wait for Nashville and your new book ... I am saving right now as that will be a must have no matter what! I am terribly excited that you are publishing your class pieces. I am so jealous of all the ladies who get to take your classes! You two are so creative and the pieces always look so wonderful and different than other stuff out there! Yeah!

  29. Thank you sooo much for the freebie chart. I love it!

    I look forward to seeing the class projects come out!! One can never have too many boxes to store our "supplies" inside for safe keeping!

    I just wished I lived close enough to take a class from you!

  30. The box is breathtaking - such a pity you can't get them any more! It's absolutly stunning with your beautiful design. Thanks for sharing your Pink Flower/Sweet Home Alabama progress.

  31. Alma, is your class calendar posted someplace online? Seems like I always learn about them too late...

  32. Preciosa rejilla, pero, y la parte de la flor?, sólo he podido descargar Sweet Alabama. Gracias


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