
Tool Time With Cherie

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Cherie Ralston
brought over her new favorite sewing tool and she agreed to share how it works. (Cherie has authored several books with Blackbird Designs as well as written her own. Click on her name for a short bio.) She always finds ways to make piecing and applique easy. As you will soon see, she knows quite a bit more than me.

Here's the tool. It's called The Angler 2. It makes easy work out of half-square triangles. No more drawing lines or using paper piecing. All will be revealed here. This product comes with instructions too...but sometimes it just helps to have someone show me. I think I'm a visual learner.
Note the rectangle labeled "Key" in the picture above. This small rectangle must be cut out with an exacto-knife.

Cherie is carefully cutting the "Key" portion out.

After the "Key" is cut out notch a small hole as instructed on the Key.

This hole is for alignment with the needle on your sewing machine. Do not loose the "Key" or you will be "voted off the island." (An adage for those of you who know about reality shows.)

Now you need your squares....This sewing tool will work for all sizes up to 7 3/4".

Next center the Key on your sewing machine.

The point of your needle fits into the hole you notched earlier.
You need to have a 1/4" presser foot. (Of course I don't have one and now I realize that I very much need one. Cherie voted me "off the island" until I get one.)

The Key is in position.

The purpose of the Key is to help align the tool on your sewing machine. Cherie is placing the tool over the Key. The Key will now fit back into the area we cut it from.

While doing this step, Cherie thought it would be helpful if I had a larger surface to tape the tool in place. I got my larger plastic sewing table.

Cherie adjusted the feet of my table so it would fit. (I hate to admit this....I didn't know it was adjustable. I wish I could say Cherie didn't roll her eyes at me....but I think I did catch her rolling at least one eye!)

The larger surface of the plastic table really helped. Make sure when positioning the tool that it is straight.

Tape the tool in place. Cherie found that the blue painters tape didn't hold as well as the regular masking tape. Remove the Key at this point. You don't leave it in while sewing.

Tape the key to the side of your machine. It will be easily found the next time you need it.

Pick up your squares and place them right sides together.

Position the presser foot edge to the left of the diagonal point of the square as shown.

The remaining diagonal point is positioned on the left line of the sewing tool.

Sew a seam. Cherie likes to chain piece. After she has a long chain of squares sewn on one side, she flips them and sews the second seam. For time purposes we only did one square. Also, this is where the 1/4" presser foot comes in handy. I have a Bernina so I need a #37 foot.

Again align the diagonal point of the square to the left of the presser foot. Align the remaining diagonal point with the left line on the tool. Sew another seam.

Cherie likes to cut her squares apart with scissors. Quicker and easier.

Could I find any scissors? No...so we used the rotary cutter.

Iron them open and trim the "wings".

If you would like to win one of Cherie's favorite sewing tools just respond in the comments section. I will do the random generator thing and pick three lucky quilters. One entry per person please. Drawing will be Monday morning. Hope you have a bit of time to sew something fun!

Thank you Cherie!

Until later,



  1. Wow! What will they think of next. I find it hard to believe that you do not use a quarter inch foot - things will never cease to amaze me. You do such wonderful work, goes to show maybe we do not need it. Cathie from Oz

  2. This ruler looks good (or am I just the biggest sucker for rulers??). thanks for the opportunity to win one to find out!

  3. Very interesting, way over my head but now I know WHY I'm afraid to learn quilting~LOL! Please hand me my fabby, needle and floss:) Have a great weekend and Sweet Stitchin...

  4. Alma, as always a great and helpful post.

  5. Now that is something I could use, I am the worst piecer and always going off the mark.


  6. Hello Alma,
    I am like you, I understand better when I see do the job.
    I am happy to participate.
    Annick (France)

  7. Wow - until you got to the end of the explanation, I wasn't quite sure what this gadget was for. Now I think I need one! Wonderful!

    Thanks for opening my eyes to this.

  8. What a neat tool. It's a sure way to keep me on the straight and narrow!
    How fun!

  9. That makes sewing half square triangles look so easy. You really do need to get that 1/4 inch foot!!

  10. Fabulous tool! I even have a quarter-inch foot...so no "off the island" for me!

  11. Looks like a real time-saver AND it has to be more accurate than the drawn pencil line method! Count me in! Jan

  12. Looks like a great tool, and I would love to try it. Count me in on the drawing.

    Celina, Texas

  13. COOL TOOL- i make many half-square triangles- I will have to try this-thanks

  14. Except that I am ALWAYS losing MY keys, this looks slick as ice. (fingers crossed hoping for a win)

    BTW - LOVE Cherie's quilt designs and who sells/makes this gadget that has become a fave of hers? Just in case I don't win, I can put it on my Christmas Wish list.

  15. I love widgets and gadgets that just make everything so easy! And a great tutorial too - thanks so much.

  16. Thanks for the visual lesson! It looks like a useful ruler.

  17. Oh wow, I'll have to get me one of those, how easy does it make those half square triangles??

  18. Looks like a great tool. Now if she could only come to my house to help me use it! These instructions and pictures will definitely help.

  19. I don't use a quarter in. foot. My needle just moves over so it is 1/4 from the edge. Will it work with that????

  20. I love that ruler it sure makes short work of triangles. Thanks so much for sharing with us and giving the opportunity to win one.

  21. Thank you for the nifty demo. This is a tool I think I need, so thanks for offering the opportunity to win one.

  22. I just love it that your blogs are so informative. I'd love to be the winner.


  23. I'll admit that I tried this tool a number of years ago. I wasn't very good at being careful, though, and it didn't work for me. Now that I'm older and wiser, I think I'd like to try it again!

  24. This looks like a winner and a great way to make 1/2 square triangles fast! Love the visuals you posted - explains it very well.

  25. I like that the one tool will work for a wide range of sizes. I would like to try it out.

  26. Sign me up!


  27. I think I need one of those. Just picked a project where I need to make hundreds of those critters!

  28. Pick me, please. I need all teh help I can get! (wink)

    Seriously, it looks like a wonderful tool.

  29. Oh wow! How cool is that?! I need one!!!! I hope I win! :D I'm going to bookmark this page -- even if I don't win, I know I'm going to want to get one of these things. I hope it works even if I don't have a table thingie on my sewing machine. :D

  30. What a great tool!! Thanks for the opportunity to win one.

  31. Very cool - I waste so much time drawing lines.

  32. Thank you for the pictures explaining the use of the ruler. I need one.

  33. What an interesting tool....anything to make piecing easier is a great idea. Lucky I have a quarter inch foot.

  34. Love the demo!! Hope I'm a Lucky winner! Pam in SC

  35. I'd love to give this a try! Please include me in the drawing.
    Thanks ~ Jeanne

  36. A new tool that makes the job quicker. I love that. And thanks for the good visuals.

    Marie Z from TX

  37. I love this tool!! If I don't win one then I might have to put it on my Christmas wish list!! ;o)
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  38. What a great gadget!! I would love to have one.

  39. Want want want!!! This is coming from the gal who currently has a "dam" of painters tape on her machine to help me with 1/4 seam allowances. And yes, I have a 1/4 foot too. lol

  40. Just what I need, and I need help with my accuracy.
    maryturub at shaw dot ca

  41. My mother would LOVE one of these! I would love the opportunity to win one for her :o) Thank you!

  42. Amazing! Every time I see a new tool I wonder how it can be so easy and useful at the same time.

  43. What a grest looking tool and you explained it so well. Thank You.

  44. As Cherie's long lost friend in Montana, I can bet she rolled more than one eye at you, and few muttering comments under her breath. She had said it was a great tool for half square triangles, and of course I said I made sure never to make a quilt that had them or would change it, but a wonderful tool, and the demo is very informative.

  45. Another great tutorial! Thanks so much for sharing it and gee I hope I win!!

  46. This is a wonderful tool! It can save lots of time. Please include me in the draw.

  47. I hate to admit that I have one of these tools in my tool kit, but have never used it! Now that I see how it works, I'm going to have to pull it out and give it a whirl. Thanks for the demo!
    (As I already have one, please do not include me in the draw!)

  48. Thanks so much for the demonstration. I've had this tool for a while and forgot about it. Couldn't struggle through "reading" the instructions. Seeing is a must for me. Would love to give one to my friend. Janey

  49. Awesone instructions! Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks!

  50. Wow - this is really neat. Looks very easy to use.

    Ann P.

  51. What a great tutorial! This looks like a very helpful tool. Thanks Cherie and Alma.

  52. I would love to win this tool. Please include me in the drawing.
    Thanks again for sharing.

  53. What a fantastic technique! Yes, please include me in the drawing.

  54. How handy is that? I know I would be voted off the island if I didn't say so :)

  55. I'm still a little confused. Maybe I need to win one so I can follow the directions better. :-)

  56. Always looking for something to create more accuracy and ease....love it. Sure hope I win.
    Kristy in Ohio

  57. Great tutorial! Who makes that nifty gadget, just in case I don't win?

    DeBary FL

  58. This tool looks so cool - and any time I can do something easier and faster - I'm happy!

  59. I thought I had posted, but I do not see it now... so please forgive me if there are two posts:) - But I would love to be included in your drawing. Thanks, Tami

  60. Yes, please add me to the drawing. I have heard about the angle finder, thanks for the demo. I keep telling myself I need no more gadgets. And then you go and show me another one that makes sense to have!

  61. who couldn't use this?

    so very wonderful, that tool. If I don't win, this will be on my list to buy soon.

    ~anna in md, a kinda funky quilting mom to 7

  62. I have one of these and I love it! I have used it for several years to make short work out of half square triangles.

  63. Hi Alma,

    What a neat tool!

    Yes, please enter me in the drawing. :-)

    Windy Meadow

  64. That tool looks indispensable! Thank you for the great photos and explanations.

  65. Thanks for sharing a new tool, it really looks clever. Thank Cherie too, I love her quilts.

  66. holy moly - that looks fantastic! im going to keep my fingers crossed and hope i win!

  67. What a great idea!! I'm just learning to quilt and have had a difficult time getting my 1/4" correct - this tool looks like it would really help me! Thanks for having a drawing for it!

  68. What a great ruler. I think i need that. I love to win it.

    Hennie from The Netherlands

  69. oh yes I have heard all good things about this too, would love to win one, I love making hst! I am making an ocean wave quilt right now and this would come in handy

  70. Alma, I had to laugh .... thanks :-) ....... .
    Why? Well, you could not find your scissors ...... and I remember your log about it ...... and all the bags you gave away.
    Did you forget to keep one for yourself?

    (do not include me in the drawing, but I just wanted to thank you for the "laughing").

  71. Wow,
    This is absolutely brilliant.
    Please add me to the drawing.
    Thank you so much
    Angela S

  72. Sometimes things just connect, and that what you need is right there for the winning. I want to make the starquilt{http://blackbird-designs.blogspot.com/2009/07/quilt-instructions-part-2.html}and this ruler will make it much, much eassier {besides, I have a 1/4" presser foot ;o)}. Thanks for letting me and all the others take a shot at this.
    Lots of quilt-greetings from Holland,

  73. Wow, I just started taking sewing classes and anything that makes life easier makes me happy!


  74. A wonderful tutorial, thank you so much.
    This tool is a great help, for beginners too? Would love to win this.

  75. That makes it look so easy! Great gadget to have for that half square triangle quilt that is on my "to do" list. Sharon in Sydney

  76. looks like a pretty handy tool.

  77. It is a fabulous tool.
    Hoping we will find it soon in France

  78. ANything to make those babies easier. I usually spend a night drawing pencil lines....

  79. What a wonderful tool! Thanks so much for posting the pics, I think I actually understand how it works :)

  80. Will this inspire and enable me to make beautifully pieced quilts? I love the crocheted tablecloth because it reminds me of the ones my grandmother made.

  81. Your tutorial was so clear. Thank you for helping those of us who are visual learners. And Yikes! I don't have a quarter inch foot for my Bernina so I'm running out to get one cuz I don't want to get voted off either.


  82. Now how did I get along without one of these babies? That ruler is definitely a must have! Please thank Cherie for the great tutorial, too! I would love a chance to win a ruler Anne so please include me in the drawing. Thank you!

  83. That is a remarkable sewing tool! I had heard about it, but seeing it in use and the explanation is great. Thanks for showing it.

  84. Thanks for the photos...I've looked at this tool but it just didn't click with me how it would be used. Now it makes so much more sense!

  85. Who on earth comes up with this stuff! I love that idea. Thanks for sharing.

  86. I haven't made any quilt tops in about 5 years now, but a couple friends who haven't made any quilts have been showing interest. This looks like it might be a great tool for someone just learning.
    Thanks for another great tutorial!
    Bobbi - Ohio

  87. How I would love to win one of these. HST in a quilt are beautiful, but sometimes the thought of making alot of them is so hard to think about when you have to mark each one first. Please enter me into the drawing and thank you for the opportunity.

  88. Hi!

    What a wonderful tool this would be for my shop! Love to try it out.


  89. Thank you for sharing this with all of us. You ladies are such an inspiration, I have not seen the angler before. That is something I am interested in.

  90. Looks like a very smart solution! Would love to win! Jan

  91. I have never seen this ruler before; interesting how you set it up on the sewing machine...

    Will it work without that extra surface to work on?



  92. Alma, in answer to your question, the applique block comes from a set of 25 patterns that were reproduced by members of the Baltimore Applique Society from four Baltimore Album Quilts in the collection of the Lovely Lane Museum here in Baltimore. This particular block is in the Reverend Lipscomb Quilt and is one of my favorites. It will be included in my Album Quilt, which is STILL in progress. I learned to applique from Mimi Dietrich, a lovely lady and a very talented woman and consider myself very fortunate to have taken my Baltimore applique journey with her.

    I have included a link to the Lovely Lane Museum if you are interested in viewing their website.


  93. I bought the Angler many years ago for a class at my LQS. This was probably 12 years ago and long before the Angler 2. The Angler was handy, but too small for HST made with larger squares, and in the classroom my machine sat up off the table. The Angler hung off the front of my machine because I didn't have a larger level surface. And, I used the blue painters tape, so shifting was a problem. Now, seeing Cherie's demo, I'm sold and will definitely try the Angler 2.

  94. Wow! That is so cool. Now I would really love one, too!


  95. Wow, It looks easy that way. I can used some help with my quilting so please enter me.

  96. Excellant tutorial for a beginner quilter, thank-you Cheri.
    Thank-you to Alma for a great web site.

  97. What a great tool! Thanks a lot, Alma, for sharing the tutorial! Have a nice day!

  98. Thanks for the demo! Looks like it works great.Laura

  99. Wow, I am always amazed at all the different things you show us on your blog, thank you.

    I would love to win this great tool. Thank you for the chance.

  100. Hello Alma,

    That's exactly what I need, since I've just begun in patchwork.
    I'm sure this great tool would help.
    I'm in for the contest.
    Nathalie from France.

  101. What a great tool. So appreciate the step by step photos...and the humor. viv in TN

  102. Well, the bestest part was the perfect down-in-your-face pictures so we could see what was happening. Bravo! Will love the tool as getting ready for many French Quarter triangles.


  103. that is a great tool .. i have so much trouble with triangles and they never seem to come out right .. it is frustrating .. will definitely be getting one of these if i am not a lucky one .. thanks for all the pics .. it really helps.. karen ca

  104. How cool! Yeah I need one. Will be going to my not so local quilt shop on Wednesday. Hope they have one!
    Love t
    ps: how is mother earth Barbie?

  105. Thanks for the tutorial. I, too, am a visual learner and I would have been stuck without your directions! Don't feel bad, I was kicked off the island years ago. Nancy in WI

  106. Cherie told me about this tool, but I haven't looked for it at my LQS. Sure would be GREAT to win one!

  107. What a great tutuorial!!!! Thank you so much!

  108. This looks like a great tool. Would like te try it!

  109. What a slick way to do this. I woluld love to win it and give it a try.

  110. i hate taking the time & drawing the lines, please enter me! thanks, TAmmy

  111. Nice tool & great tutorial!

    Nancy E

  112. Very interesting..Please enter me in the contest.

  113. Fun tool! Too cool!

    North Palm Beach, FL

  114. Oh, that is really a neat idea. I am just a beginner, but hope to get up to that level soon. Include me, please! LynnIL

  115. Oh, I would love to win this one! I am about to embark on a ginormo-huge half-square triangle project...and this would be awesome!

  116. Thanks for showing us this looks so fun. I would love to try this.

  117. What a neat tool! Looks like it makes quick work of half-square triangles. Would love to win!

  118. I'm a visual learner, too. Thanks for sharing and the chance to win. I'm a beginner and need all the help I can get. : )

  119. Thank you for taking the time to post such a great tutorial! Would love to win this tool, it looks fantastic!

  120. I love anything that can help with my projects. Thanks for the chance to win.

  121. That looks so cool! I love sewing gadgets--even more so when someone shows me how to use them. Uh, I don't own a quarter-inch foot either. Maybe I'll put it on my Christmas list!

  122. What a great gadget! I spend way too much time marking!
    Donna in NE La.
    k d maine 77 at yahoo dot com

  123. How cool is that?? I would love to be entered in the drawing :o)

  124. This really really is an handy gadget!! Unfortunately, I lost my "key" and was going to have to buy another Angler...hope I win so I can stay "on the island"... It really is a time saver.
    You did surprise me by not having that #37 foot - dont know what Id do without it!!
    Thanks for a great post!!

  125. This ruler looks great. Thanks for having a draw.
    Cindy from Ontario

  126. Now who figured this out?!! Looks like a handy tool...I'd love to try one!

  127. How about if I'm a quilter wanna be? I have the fabric stash, I have a machine, I've done a couple of s-m-a-l-l projects...Maybe this tool is what I need to break the I'm-too-scared-to-go-forward-itis.

    Thanks for the opportunity to check this out!

  128. Hope I have the lucky number because I could give this tool quite the workout. And thanks for the tutorial. It *is* easier with visuals.

  129. That looks like a very nifty gadget and I'd LOVE to have one! Thanks for another great giveaway!

  130. Pick Me,me,me,me,memememmemememe!!!!!

  131. What a tool!!!!! Oh I can see how much fun that would be. Thank you for the chance.

  132. Oh what would we do without you!! Not yet in my collection :))) this tool! Lots of succes with the drawing!! have a nice day!

  133. Any tool to make thigs easier...great!

  134. I would love to have my name entered Alma. Thank you so much! :o)

  135. Ooooh what a draw! I'd love to have a chance if I'm not too late. x

  136. a useful tool,!!!I love it!

  137. Hope I'm not too late to be included. Thanks for the opportunity to win this!

  138. These tools are awesome! Thanks for sharing!


  139. hope it's not too late to enter my name in the drawing. thanks! Barbara from Georgia

  140. I'd like a tool!

  141. Oops . I think I posted in the wrong place. Pardon my excitement over the angler. Please enter me for a chance.

    Thanks - Terry in So. Calif

  142. I hope it is not to late. This looks like a really nifty tool!

  143. Thanks for the tutorial. This is one item that I MUST get!

  144. Hope I'm not too late! I'd love to be entered!

  145. WOW how amazing is that!!! I haven't been quilting for long but I am enjoying it so - not as much as stitching but after all stitching is my first love.
    Patti xxx

  146. Too late for the ruler, but I would love to have one.
    Lois Anne

  147. an incredible tool. Please enter me... hope I'm not too late!

    Karen H.

  148. I would love to be in this drawing.
    Karin :)
    in NY

  149. Cool! I would love to win one of these. Thanks to you and Cherie for the tutorial!
    Have a great day!

  150. Wow! I would love to have a chance to win one of these. :)

  151. WOW!! I gotta have one of those. Where do you buy them from? How do you sew without a quarter inch foot? I'm amazed.

  152. What a great way to make half square triangles! I ma ready to try this one!
    Carmel in TX

  153. What a great idea! Thanks for having a drawing (and for the pictorial tutorial).


  154. That looks amazing. I am definitely intrigued and think I definitely have to have one! Thanks for the giveaway!

  155. I agree with Cherie, this is one most useful tool for piecing.

  156. VERY Cool! Something new to look for the next time i go to the quilt store (or shop on line!)

  157. Muy interesante y muy práctico.

    Gracias por compartirlo.

  158. Great tutorial and tool. Aren't friends wonderful??????

  159. OMG! Well, I'm rolling MY eyes for not buying one of these! Have seen them in shops, but couldn't figure out the "key" thingy. What a great tutorial! Have to have one of these for sure! Thanks for the demo and the giveaway. Sure hope I win this!
    Barbara in TN

  160. What a great tutorial by a great lady! We all need more detailed and photographed instructions like this. Please include me in the drawing. ~Kathleen

  161. Great new method for sewing those 1/2-square triangles! I would love a chance to win Sherrie's new tool.

  162. Wow, that looks like a very handy too. I really would like a chance to win!

  163. I love the Angler 2 - I found out about it a few years ago and immediately taped one to my sewing machine...really like it for half square triangles

  164. well I be danged

    I use this tool for making perfect 1/4 inch sewing seams , had no idea how else to use it. I saved this tute to my computer. THANK YOU for doing this, I had no idea, and of course the item never came with all this knowledge. sheesh, what a waste of my mind not to know about this before hand-THANKS

  165. I have this tool, and never knew what to do with it. I think I'll have to print this tutorial. Although there seems to be so many steps, I don't know if I'll bring myself to use it! We'll see!

  166. That is a must have tool, hope to be lucky and win one one. Thanks you!

  167. This is a terrific way to sew those triangles. Now, I just have to get a plastic table! Thanks for offering the tool!
    Karen L.

  168. A really helpful post. Please enter me into the draw.

  169. Oooh, that looks like an awesome gadget! I actually have a "leaders-enders" project going right now that involves sewing half-square triangles out of squares from my scrap box. I can think of several other patterns that would be tremendously simplified by this gadget!


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